Criminal Defense Attorney Columbia, South Carolina

Contact Columbia, South Carolina Criminal Defense Lawyer Matt Bodman, P.A.

Your needs come first at our Columbia, SC criminal defense law firm. Contact us today.

Don't wait to take legal action if you have been charged with a serious crime in South Carolina. If you are convicted, you could be fined thousands of dollars, spend years in jail and have a criminal record that could prevent you from getting a job, a loan and other important matters. With so much at stake, it's critical that you contact us as soon as possible.

We offer a free consultation to all potential clients. We work this way because we believe strongly in helping people who need honest, accurate legal advice. Whether you're a university student or someone who's been working at a job for decades, Matt Bodman is ready to help you.

To schedule your free appointment, call or complete the fields on this page. You can also visit our office conveniently located in downtown Columbia. What matters most is that you contact us as soon as possible.

"The sooner you reach out to us, the quicker we can get started helping you," Bodman said.

Matt Bodman, P.A.

1500 Calhoun Street, Suite 201
Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: (803) 806-8605 (Local)
Phone: (866) 487-9077 (Toll Free)
Fax: (803) 758-6087

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Why should I contact criminal defense lawyer Matt Bodman?

South Carolina criminal defense attorney Matt Bodman has a proven track record of successfully resolving problems for clients. Whether you have been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or a serious white collar crime, he understands the laws governing these offenses and knows how to get results.

A former South Carolina assistant solicitor (the official title for an Assistant District Attorney in South Carolina), Matt Bodman personally handles every aspect of every case. People value his work and trust his opinions throughout the state and across the country. He's appeared as a commentator on Court TV, now known as TruTV. Columbia Business Monthly in South Carolina recognized Bodman for his exceptional work. He's the lawyer you want on your side if you've been charged with a serious crime or you are under investigation.

    South Carolina Association of Criminal Defense LawyersSouth Carolina Association of Criminal Defense LawyersSouth Carolina BarSouth Carolina BarSouth Carolina Association for JusticeSouth Carolina Association for JusticeRichland County Bar AssociationRichland County Bar Association2020 Legal Elite of the Midlands2020 Legal Elite of the Midlands
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