Criminal Defense Attorney Columbia, South Carolina

Types of DUI Cases

We can help you challenge your DUI charge in South Carolina

There are so many different kinds of driving under the influence charges in South Carolina. Even understanding your traffic citation or arrest report can sometimes be confusing. That's why it's critical that you meet with someone familiar with South Carolina DUI laws and who knows how to handle your DUI charge.

Attorney Matt Bodman knows how frustrating and confusing DUI charges can be. That's because he's dedicated his legal career to fighting for the rights of the accused in Columbia and statewide. A former assistant solicitor, Matt Bodman knows how the legal system works from the inside out. That's why he has such a strong track record of success. That's why he's eager to meet with you. As your attorney, Matt Bodman will aggressively investigate your charges and build the strongest possible case.

Charges involving driving under the influence carry very serious penalties under South Carolina law. If a judge convicts you or a loved one of DUI, you could lose your driver's license, be fined thousands of dollars and even be imprisoned. That's why it's vital that you understand your charges and all the legal options available to you.

"What type of DUI case are you dealing with?"

The following charges represent some of the most common DUI charges attorney Bodman regularly deals with at his law firm. If you don't see your specific charge listed below, don't be discouraged. We handle all different types of criminal cases and strongly encourage you to contact us as soon as possible. Simply call (866) 487-9077 and schedule your free case evaluation today.

First DUI Charge

If this is your first time being charged with driving under the influence, we understand how overwhelming and confusing the entire ordeal probably seems to you. You might have been fined hundreds of dollars or face losing your driver's license for 6 months. Knowing what to do - understanding your rights - in this situation can be confusing.

Fortunately, you're not alone. Attorney Bodman can help you address your charge and make sure you meet all the necessary deadlines, including filing an appeal of a DUI conviction to filing to have your driver's license reinstated. You may also be eligible for a temporary alcohol restricted license (TARL) which could allow you to drive to work, school and other essential activities until your administrative law hearing. However, you must apply for a TARL within 30 days of your arrest. Other legal options may also be available to you.

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Second DUI Charge

If this is the second time you have been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and you have been previously convicted of DUI in South Carolina, you already understand the importance of taking immediate legal action. If convicted, you could lose your driver's license for one year, be fined thousands of dollars, be required to install an ignition interlock device and spend up to 3 years in jail depending on the circumstances of your DUI charge. Attorney Bodman has years of experience working with people facing a second DUI offense. Simply contact our law firm and schedule an appointment with us right away.

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Third DUI Charge

The penalties get even more severe if you're convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol in South Carolina for the third time within the last 10 years. Depending on how much alcohol you consumed before you got behind the wheel of a car, you could be incarcerated for up to 5 years in jail, fined up to $10,000 and lose your driver's license for up to 2 years. You might also be required to install an ignition interlock device. You need to take your third DUI charge seriously right from the start. That's why we strongly urge you to contact attorney Bodman immediately and learn about the legal options available to you.

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Fourth DUI Charge

This is the one of the most serious DUI charges we deal with at our law firm. Classified as a felony, a fourth DUI conviction within 10 years in South Carolina could result in your driver's license being permanently revoked. You could also be incarcerated for 1 to 7 years in jail depending on your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level. We cannot stress enough the importance of contacting our law firm immediately if you have been charged with drunk driving for a fourth time. Attorney Bodman can get straight to work on your case.

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Underage DUI

If you are under 21 years old and you have been charged with driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol, be aware that South Carolina has very strict laws that apply in your case. A minor with a BAC (blood alcohol content) of 0.02 percent is considered legally intoxicated in South Carolina. That's four times lower than the minimum BAC level for adults 21 years old or older. Attorney Bodman can explain all the rules and penalties that apply to an underage DUI conviction. He handles cases in the Columbia area and frequently works with students from the University of South Carolina and other colleges and universities.

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DUI of Drugs

Alcohol is not the only substance that can result in a charge of driving under the influence. If you have marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine or any other drug in your system that could affect your driving, you could be charged with DUI. Driving under the influence of drugs (DUI) carries serious penalties in South Carolina. You could be incarcerated, fined thousands of dollars and have your driver's license suspended. That's why it's critical that you contact our law firm immediately. You have too much at stake to not take your charge seriously right from the start.

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Felony DUI Charge

If someone was injured or killed in your drunk driving accident, you will likely receive a felony DUI charge. Columbia, SC attorney Matt Bodman has extensive experience representing people facing these charges. He realizes that you could be incarcerated for several years and lose your driver's license for life. That's why he wants to meet with you and build the strongest possible legal defense. The stakes are simply too high to wait to take legal action.

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Boating Under the Influence (BUI)

Operating a boat under the influence of alcohol in South Carolina can result in charges just as serious as driving a car under similar circumstances. If you're convicted of BUI in South Carolina, you can be imprisoned for 2 to 30 days and not be allowed to operate a boat for 6 months for your first offense. The penalties are even more severe for a second or third BUI conviction within 10 years in South Carolina, including increased jail time and fines up to $6,000 or even more if someone was injured or killed in a drunk boating accident. Don't wait to take legal action. Take back control. Contact attorney Matt Bodman and find out how he can help you.

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