Criminal Defense Attorney Columbia, South Carolina

Ignition Interlock Devices

You could be required to install such a device at your own expense

Some people convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) must install an ignition interlock device based on South Carolina's DUI laws. This device prevents people from driving if a pre-determined amount of alcohol is detected (0.02% blood alcohol concentration or greater).

Such a device might not seem like a big deal - until you have to install one in your vehicle.

The cost of installing an ignition interlock system often adds up to more than $100. What's more, you must pay a monthly fee to lease the device, which you don't own. The fees can reach $50 to $100, sometimes even more, per month.

Attorney Matt Bodman knows how complicated, cumbersome and expensive such devices can be for some drivers. That's because he has represented numerous people charged with DUI in South Carolina might have to have such devices installed in their vehicles. That's why he's eager to meet with you and explain all the legal options available to you.

How do ignition interlock devices work?

Similar to using a Breathalyzer, the driver must breathe into the ignition interlock device, which measures the user's BAC level. As the name of the device suggests, the vehicle will not start if the driver's BAC is above a specific, predetermined level.

In addition, drivers may be required to take what's called a "rolling retest." This means drivers must pull over and blow into the device again to verify they have not been drinking since they began driving the vehicle. If the driver fails the rolling retest, the device will record the event but permit the driver to continue driving.

The devices are equipped with security measures which prevent people from tampering with them. That's why it's always a bad idea to try to illegally disable an ignition interlock device.

How can attorney Bodman help me with my case?

Attorney Bodman will do everything he can to avoid having an ignition interlock device installed in your vehicle. A former assistant prosecutor, he has spent his entire legal career handling criminal cases. He knows both sides. He knows how prosecutors think and he knows the best strategies needed to mount a successful defense. He will not rest until justice is served.

Learn more about all the legal options available to you. Contact our law firm and schedule your case evaluation with attorney Bodman today. He will meet with you personally and take the time to find out exactly what happened and how he can help you.

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