Criminal Defense Attorney Columbia, South Carolina

Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Columbia, South Carolina

Trust Columbia SC lawyer Matt Bodman to get the job done right

Federal criminal charges demand strong legal action. Whether you have been charged with bank fraud or falsifying medical records, the consequences of a conviction for a "white collar crime" can be devastating.

In many cases, you will be fined thousands of dollars and sentenced to several months or years in a federal prison. A criminal conviction can change your life in many other ways as well. Once you are released from prison, you might be unable to obtain a job, a loan or other critical matters. Your reputation may sustain irreversible harm.

Attorney Matt Bodman understands the seriousness of federal criminal charges and has the experience and resources to work with you to develop a successful legal strategy designed to deliver the best possible outcome. Contact us to discuss your legal options. Call (866) 487-9077.

What are common federal criminal charges in South Carolina?

Federal criminal charges cover a wide range. Some of the most common charges we handle at our law firm include criminal charges involving:

Whatever crime you have been charged with, attorney Bodman can meet with you and start preparing your case for trial right from your very first meeting. He works this way because he understands that building a successful case takes time, diligence and hard work.

Waiting to take legal action may jeopardize the outcome of your case. Physical evidence sometimes disappears. Witnesses' memories fade. Certain cases also require defendants to take legal action within a certain period of time.

Frequently asked questions about white collar crimes in South Carolina

Many federal crimes fall under the category of white collar crimes, which typically involve non-violent, financial-motivated crimes committed by business or government professionals.

The following are some of the FAQs we frequently hear from clients. If you don't see your specific question - or even if you do - contact us as soon as possible. Every criminal case is unique, and the sooner we can start working on your case, the better.

What are common white collar federal charges?

White collar crime covers a wide range of federal charges. Some of the most common charges we handle at our law firm include:

  • Embezzlement
  • Money laundering
  • Bank fraud
  • Wire fraud
  • Computer crimes and Internet crimes
  • Securities fraud and tax fraud
  • Identity theft
  • Medicaid fraud

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Who investigates white collar crimes?

Depending on what crime you have been charged with, the agency handling your investigation could include:

  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - Bank fraud, mortgage fraud, Medicare fraud
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS) - Tax fraud, tax evasion
  • United States Secret Service - Forgery and Counterfeiting
  • Medicaid Fraud Control Units - Medicaid Fraud

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What should I do if an investigator contacts me?

Do not answer any questions on the grounds that you may incriminate yourself. Tell the investigator you would like to talk to your attorney. If you don't have one, call us. Remember, anything you say could be used against you later as part of the federal government's case against you. Even if you didn't do anything wrong, it's always better to err on the side of caution and talk to an experienced South Carolina white collar criminal defense attorney first.

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Can I avoid criminal prosecution by becoming a whistleblower?

Possibly. Whistleblower cases involving federal criminal charges can be complicated. Just because you are willing to serve as a source for a federal criminal investigation or a civil lawsuit does not guarantee you will avoid prosecution.

The Federal False Claims Act grants whistleblowers the right to file a lawsuit on behalf of the government if they spot behavior that defrauds or cheats the government. If so, you could be entitled to a percentage of any verdict or financial settlement.

Contact us if you suspect wrongdoing by your employer. If you're part of the fraud, we may be able to help you with your options. Attorney Bodman represents whistleblowers who want to do the right thing and expose their company's illegal behavior.

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Why should I hire attorney Bodman to handle my case?

White collar criminal cases at the federal level are among the most complicated legal cases we handle at Matt Bodman, P.A. Federal investigators who have seemingly endless resources often compile mountains of evidence to obtain convictions. Sorting through the evidence to find the facts you need to build a strong defense can be a daunting task. Even knowing where to start can be overwhelming.

Attorney Bodman has nearly 20 years of experience handling complex white collar cases. He knows what evidence to look for. He knows how to reach out to appropriate expert witnesses. He understands what questions to ask and how to assemble all the information into a compelling case. Because of his experience and proven track record of success, he has served as a commentator on Court TV, now known as TruTV. People value his legal opinion.

A former assistant federal prosecutor, Bodman knows the tactics the government often uses. That's how he's able to consistently develop successful legal strategies for clients throughout South Carolina. Discover what he can do for you. Contact us today.

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