Criminal Defense Attorney Columbia, South Carolina

Federal and State Criminal Defense Attorney Columbia SC

From tax fraud to grand jury subpoenas and more, contact Columbia, SC lawyer Matt Bodman

Federal and state criminal charges often overlap. In such cases, prosecutors often decide whether to file charges against someone in state or federal court. Such a distinction might not seem very important. But there are often big differences between cases tried in federal or state courts.

Criminal defense attorney Matt Bodman thoroughly understands the state and federal legal systems. He has handled cases in both courts. He also has 5 years of experience as a former state assistant prosecutor (Assistant Solicitor) in Richland County, where Columbia is located.

If you are charged with a federal or state crime, or you are under investigation, contact us. Call (866) 487-9077 and schedule a free consultation. We want to learn about your charges and explain the legal options available to you. That way, you can decide what legal strategy you want us to develop for you.

What are common cases involving federal and state criminal charges?

Matt Bodman provides aggressive defense for people charged with a variety of white collar crimes in state and federal court. Click on the following to find out more about tax fraud and grand jury subpoenas:

Whatever charges you're dealing with, contact criminal justice attorney Bodman as soon as possible. In many instances you have a limited amount of time to take legal action. A delay could affect the outcome of your case.

Federal and State Tax Fraud Defense

Taxes, The IRS, And Federal Criminal Defense Matters

Tax fraud is a serious crime. Whether you have been accused of state tax fraud or federal tax fraud by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), you could face serious consequences if you're convicted.

Many tax fraud cases are the result of a failure to understand our extremely difficult tax system, rather than intentional fraudulent behavior. Unfortunately, the IRS is not always able to distinguish between an honest mistake and tax fraud.

There many activities classified as tax fraud. These include:

  • Concealing assets
  • Underreporting income
  • Claiming personal expenses as business expenses
  • Failing to keep records of transactions, or keeping two sets of books
  • Failing to file tax returns
  • Falsely claiming a child as a dependant

Tax fraud is a felony offense. If you are convicted, you could be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars and sentenced to up to five years in prison.

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Federal and State Grand Jury Subpoenas

If you or a family member has received a subpoena from a federal or South Carolina state grand jury to appear as a witness or provide documents, you need to contact an attorney right away. You may be a material witness or subject or the target of a federal law enforcement investigation or a South Carolina grand jury investigation. Do not talk to anyone until you talk to a Columbia criminal attorney.

Criminal lawyer Bodman can examine the government's requests and protect your rights throughout the grand jury investigation. Through his experience as a former assistant prosecutor, he is a defense attorney with a unique insight into how state and federal law enforcement officials investigate cases. He may be able to help you avoid potential pitfalls.

Even the answers to simple sounding questions during an interview with law enforcement may put you at risk. Law enforcement officials interview witnesses every day. It's their job. Do not answer their questions without legal representation. Your statements could be used against you.

Attorney Bodman can work directly with you to help you understand your options and protect yourself during a state or federal investigation. He will stand by your side every step of the way, answer your questions and help you carefully review official documents. Your best interests come first here.

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